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What we do

Find out about the exciting businesses and
projects that we’re proud to produce.


Get more, pay less with Each Person, the best way to save money on your next purchase. Every time you shop for a product or instant gift card you’ll be rewarded with cashback up to 20% so you’re always better off than shopping direct.

Always better off

1. Shop multiple retailers to quickly find the best price

2. Donate to plant trees and help fight climate change

3. Enjoy a single checkout with all retailer guarantees included


Each Person is an altogether better way to celebrate your people and deliver significant benefits to their mental and financial wellbeing.

It’s the employees that keep companies in business. When they’re recognised, well rewarded and supported they work harder, and stick around longer. Success comes in all shapes and sizes and is happening every day in your business. Our solutions make it easy to manage programs and processes that your people will benefit from every day. Make sure you don’t miss it and show how much you value Each Person.

Save while you save

As a successful enterprise, we believe it is our responsibility to give back. Few can deny that one of the greatest challenges faced by our world today is climate change and we believe that everyone can play a part in addressing its effects. Small actions can make a big difference, what we do today can determine the future for the next generation. So how does it work?

We’ve aligned the points in our platform to stand for Eco-points. Eco-points is a simple vehicle that can make a big difference to a complex problem. In addition to receiving extra savings off the lowest online prices, Epoints members can give some of this extra saving to fund Eco-projects. You will still save money whilst saving the planet, Epoints can be gifted to Eco-projects to tackle climate change head-on.

To reflect our own commitment to this vital initiative, we’re also donating 5% of our profits to the scheme.

Eco-points: a simple and powerful way for our members to make a difference in the fight for a cleaner, greener and lower carbon future.

Our mission

We are proud to be ISO 27001 certified. ISO 27001 is invaluable for monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a company's information security management system and will unquestionably give partner organisations and customers greater confidence in the way they interact with your business. Certificate number IS 709257.